Rabbit litter box with grey grate


  • Large litter box
  • Hygienic

Rabbit litter box : hygienic with grey grate

This rabbit litter box with grey grate is ideal for keeping your pet’s paws clean at all times. Some buns, including your pet, spend a lot of time in the bunny litter box. The grid above the rabbit litter box acts as a barrier, preventing your pet from coming into close touch with its waste.

This rabbit accessory‘s hygienic features prevent your long-eared pal from the risk of pododermatitis.

Rabbit litter box with grey grate

Litter box for bunnies that is improper can irritate the arch of the foot. As you are surely aware, your bunny’s feet are not protected by any pads. The hair on the feet, on the other hand, serves as a barrier between the ground and the arch of the foot. This disease can be contracted through direct contact with feces and/or the use of an unsanitary hygienic equipment.

How to litter rain a rabbit ?

First and foremost, you should be aware that bunnies are naturally clean. As a result, teaching your tiny pet to urinate himself in the rabbit litter box will be a breeze.

Rabbit litter box with grate

If you want your rabbit to become accustomed to using the rabbit litter tray with grid, make sure it is always clean and large enough for its size. In fact, if you have numerous buns, the huge model offered here is great. To absorb and reduce odors, hemp litter can be placed in the bottom of the box. This will make your rabbit feel at ease and encourage him or her to return to the box without difficulty.

More details:

  • Available in 2 sizes: Large (57 x 45cm) and Small (31 x 38cm)

Rabbit litter box with large grate



Small, Large