Rabbit hideout for Christmas


  • Rabbit bed
  • Hideaway
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Rabbit hideout: A little house for Christmas

This rabbit hideout for Christmas is very adorable and very comfortable inside. In fact, your rabbit will love the ideal shape of this small indoor bunny house in the shape of a decorated tree.
In addition to its warmth and tenderness, this house for rabbits will be a great refuge for your long-eared pet. He will be able to stay quiet and feel safe.

Rabbit hideout for Christmas

On addition, buns enjoy sleeping in rabbit beds that resemble caves. They are automatically reminded of the shape of their natural environment by it. Therefore, our bunny home‘s cocooning and covered features will significantly improve the mental health of your beloved companion.

The most stylish bunny bed for the end of the year

This rabbit hideout for Christmas features a distinctive and breathtaking design. During the holiday season, you can put it in your rabbit’s pen or even in your living room at the base of your Christmas tree. The setting will look fantastic.

The design of this bunny bed consists of two parts. A cotton cushion, which is incredibly soft and pleasant, is within. Ideal for surviving the lengthy winter evenings. The outer structure is gently cushioned and constructed of an incredibly soft fabric.

rabbit bed

Your rabbit will have a true cocoon thanks to the materials used for the interior and outside. There, he will be able to rest, relax for hours, or hide, feeling safe and covered. Additionally, since the inside cushion is separate from the rabbit hideout, cleaning will be simpler.

More details:

  • Materials: Soft fabric
  • Size: H48 x 40 x 40cm